Flash Suit Up Men's Costume T-Shirt
Use the Speed ForceLife would be easier with access to the Speed Force. Just think about it. You’d never have to drive a car, or use public transportation again. Heck, you probably wouldn’t even need to buy plane tickets ever again, since The Flash was clocked at running over 670,616,629 miles per hour. The fastest jet these days can only go around 4,600 miles per hour. That means you could jog all the way to New York City in the morning and be able to run to Las Angeles in the afternoon!Of course, we’ve never been able to recreate the laboratory accident that gave Barry Allen his powers, so it’s still just a far-off dream for us. The good news is that you can still feel like The Flash. All you need to do is put this officially licensed t-shirt on and go for a jog in your neighborhood.Product DetailsThe Flash Suit Up costume t-shirt brings you one step closer to your dream of becoming a superhero. It might not infuse you with the power of the Speed Force, but it does have The Flash’s suit printed on the front. You see, it combines the comfort of a t-shirt with the look of a super suit, so you can feel like a comic hero even when you’re just doing your daily routine.Wardrobe All-StarYou can wear this while you head to the gym for some cardio, or use it as a quick and easy way to cosplay as your favorite DC hero. Either way, it’s a great addition to your wardrobe.