Giant Inflatable Horse Costume for Adults
From the Horses MouthDressing up as a horse has been a struggle for centuries. Folks have been trying it since the seventeen-hundreds when Marie Antionette held a fancy dress party for Mid-Sommers Eve. Fred and Jean-Van-Jeans wanted to do something that would really shake things up. They knew everyone else would be dressing as sleek Gods and standard historical figures. So they got together a week before the party and came up with what would become a classic yet cumbersome group costume. Their entrance as a horse started out great. When Jean-Van-Jeans was introduced as the front of the horse and Fred was announced as the back, the nobles all belly laughed mightily, some of the ladies even split their corsets. But then they had to walk down the grand staircase. Well, they took a grand tumble and ended up cartoonishly crashing into the refreshment table, taking a pyramid of full Champagne glasses with them. While the two ends of the horse were disgraced, people would try this costume again and again through the years. Product DetailsWhat's to be said about such a simple concept? simply step into the front legs of this stallion, put your arms through the sides and your head through the face hole and the fan that inflates this costume will do the rest. The head bears a large, toothy grin with a beautiful, black mane and a black tail. No need to coordinate with a friend, all you need are batteries and a horsey appearance is at your fingertips!A Better Ending to the TailWhen the first folks fell while trying to tromp around as the front and tail-end of a horse, it was the start of a clumsy horse costume tradition that would be the butt of jokes for generations! But a horse costume no longer has to be clumsy with new inflatable technology! Whether you gallop or trot to your next costume party you're sure to be a hit!