Llama Holiday Pet Sweater
All I Llama for ChristmasMost doggos are easy to please. Pat them on the head every once in a while, fill their food dish, and spend a little quality time with them. Do those simple things, and they'll be your best friend for life! They don't really even want much more for the holidays aside from some more good times with their favorite human. And what better way to give them what they want than by letting them come to the next ugly Christmas sweater party?When you dress your pup up in this Llama Holiday Sweater for dogs, they get to look just as adorable as you! It's a Made By Us design inspired by our human version. Just wriggle it on, and they're good to go!Design & DetailsOur crack team of designs wanted to be sure that we left no pup behind in the holiday fun! That's why this sweater is specially crafted to fit your pooch. The knit sweater fits over your dog's front paws and head, and features a llama carrying presents on the back. It comes in red and green colors to bring the holiday vibes!