Pet Parrot Shoulder Accessory
Perfect Pirate Prop Congratulations on becoming a buccaneer on the Spanish Main! Now that you have a few pillagings under your belt, you're going to want to start thinking about your image. There's no need to be as hardcore as Blackbeard, but it wouldn't hurt to have a feathered friend who can squawk "Shiver me timbers!" on command and make you look awesome. Product DetailsThis exclusive Parrot Pal Shoulder Costume Accessory is an ideal addition to a pirate or zoologist outfit! The faux red parrot is decorated with red, yellow and blue feathers. Its realistic-looking yellow feet are attached to a flexible fabric base, which can be secured around your shoulder via its same-material ties. You'll have to supply the bird noises yourself. Pieces of Eight Set sail to find treasure! You've got a great companion and a fair wind, so your voyage is sure to be a success. Just don't tell your parrot where you've hidden your chest of gold coins. Parrots are cute but chatty, and there's no guarantee that they won't tell the whole world where to find the "X" that marks the spot.