Tiger Sublimated Face Mask for Adults
Changing your StripesDo you ever wonder what it would be like to rule the jungle? Contrary to popular belief, the king of the jungle isn't the lion. Lions don't even live in the jungle! Instead, the king wears the stripes of a tiger. These majestic creatures creep through the undergrowth and climb trees with ease. They can be completely silent when they want but when they let loose with a roar, it'll freeze anyone in their tracks. Are you ready to step into the stripes of jungle royalty? This mask is a creeping step in the right direction!Costume DetailsThis hyper-realistic face mask features a roaring tiger maw. Covering your mouth and nose, the liner also has a pocket on the interior for a filter for extra safety. This mask fixes over your face with elastic bands that slip around your ears. Jungle JewelAre you ready to bring a little jungle magic into your wardrobe? This striped mask can either top off a tiger costume or be paired with your normal clothing for a touch of wilderness. You don't need a crown or a fur-lined cape to become royalty, simply become jungle royalty when you slip this tiger mask over your face!