White Bunny Tail
Little Bunny Foo-Foo was hopping through the forest when he turned around to realize he'd lost his tail.How tragic is that? Every bunny needs its tail! If there's no fluffy round tail, bunnies just aren't bunnies! Even if they're not real bunnies, but just kids or adults who dress up as bunnies, a tail is required to be taken seriously in Bunny-dom.So if your favorite bunny (or bunny suit) is lacking a tail, look no further than our White Bunny Tail! This is one plump fuzzy white tail, fitted with an elastic band to help attach itself wherever a tail might be lacking! If the Easter Bunny needs it, if a masquerade bunny needs it, this tail works for everbunny. So rest easy, because Little Bunny Foo-Foo will be back in business in no-time. The tail crisis has been averted.