Adult Ace Detective Wig & Mustache Kit
The Case of the Missing Donut It was a sullen situation in the police department. They would have never foreseen an attack in their own home. Who could have broken into the station and robbed their delicious snacks? They worked hard all week, even successfully solving the Confections Caper... admittedly with the help of the private investigator, Alberdo Nutinstache. It seemed that it was time to call upon the Ace Detective once more. Only then would the missing sweets (and their sprinkles) be found! Product DetailsGear up and help solve the case with this Ace Detective Mustache and Wig Kit. The wig is a head of olefin hair on a mesh cap. It is styled with that sassy style that can only be found in your favorite crime procedurals on TV! The thick mustache fastens with self-adhesive. Couple the look with a pair of dark sunglasses and your favorite double-entendre 'Cop Joke' and you'll be ready to put a nail in this case. Surprisingly InsightfulIs this epic Detective psychic? How can they always seem to know who robbed the treats? Perhaps they have their thumb on the pulse of crime. Maybe they have a profound insight into donut thieves. After all, those donut mustache crumbs are a clear sign of a profound crime-solving method!