Child Red Riding Hood Wig
We have told the tale of Little Red Riding Hood for over 1,000 years now, but we’ve never asked ourselves exactly *what was in* that famous basket of goodies. Were they things that Grandma might like, like butterscotch candies, Geritol, and red wine? It certainly didn’t contain a copy of the now best-selling book *How to Distinguish Wolves from Old Women*. That would have come in handy. You know, Little Red always has a *great* head of hair. Maybe her basket was filled with blowdryers, hair curlers, and Moroccan oils.If you’d rather fill your basket of goodies with more enjoyable things than cosmetic accessories, why not invest in this fine Red Riding Hood Wig for children? This piece perfectly captures that carefree fairytale look without the need for primping, teasing, and trims. It’s comfortable, durable, and cute as can be!