Coming to America Adult Soul Glo Wig
A silky smooth Jheri curl ‘do normally takes a whole bunch of SoulGlo. But we’re here to tell you that you can have the look sported by Eddie Murphy’s character Akeem Joffer from Coming to America without staining your furniture! This Coming to America Adult Soul Glo Wig has the classic hair that makes ladies swoon, and all you have to do is put it on. Let your soul glow, baby! (Note: good hair alone will not make Lisa McDowell marry you. You’ll have to have a king for a dad to arrange that.)And if, for some unfathomable reason, you weren’t planning on dressing up as the ever-iconic Akeem Joffer anytime soon, this wig is perfect for dressing up as any other Jheri curl-sporting character or person. Julius from Pulp Fiction, Michael Jackson in his prime, Lionel Richie, a lazy Prince costume (his was longer, but close enough), Eazy-E, or Ice Cube––the possibilities are numerous.