Dark Bald Cap for Adults
Bald Is Bomb Baldness isn't exactly a hairstyle, but it should still be recognized as an awesome fashion choice. The people who pull off the no-hair look have style and swagger for days. If you want to have a cool new anti-'do for a costume concept, consider going bald! But don't actually shave your head - use an accessory, just in case. Product DetailsRevamp your look with a Dark Bald Cap! Made of durable vinyl, the one-size-fits-all cap stretches to fit your head. Its edges can be trimmed to fit various head shapes, and it wears comfortably. Respect Your Elders Are you looking for a sleek and smooth hairstyle - or lack thereof? This cap has what you need! Or, are you seeking the perfect accessory to match a grandpa costume? Again, you need this bald cap! Enjoy telling all those young whippersnappers about how you used to have to walk to school uphill both ways. Everyone loves a good "When I was your age" story.