Rapunzel Wig for Women
There is beauty in every hairstyle, but we absolutely love the look of long hair. We're not talking about hair that goes past your shoulders; we're talking about luscious locks that cascade past your waist! You know, typical princess hair. We can picture it now: we're stationed up in a tower brushing our strands, awaiting the arrival of a handsome prince. He's going to use our hair as a rope so he can climb up and rescue us. Wait, a minute... using hair as a rope? Ouch! That sounds like it would hurt, plus, how long does it take to brush all the knots out? Are we talking 15 minutes? Half an hour? A full hour?!On second thought, we don't think we have the patience or the time to maintain an ultra long mane. If you're anything like us and you love the look of long hair but don't want to commit to it, then this Rapunzel wig is perfect for you. You'll have a blast rockin' your new 'do and whipping your hair back and forth. Just don't whip it too hard, it is a wig, after all...