Styleable Fever Amber Black Wig
Thick, black hair can be really hard to grow without the right set of genes. Come to think of it, that’s the way most kinds of hair work! But this Styleable Amber Wig is designed to give you realistic raven-colored tresses, so that’s what we’re focusing on. If you want pink polka-dots or something, you’ll have to dye them yourself—unless you had some really extraordinary parents!Or maybe you’ll want to check out a different Fever wig from Smiffy’s, since they come in a variety of colors but always seem to look very natural. And not only do these high-quality hairpieces look superior to lesser imitation-locks, but a little extra heat will let you style them into just the shape you’d like. Take that, heredity! In your face, Gregor Mendel!This Amber model offers 28” straight tresses with feathered ends, but a little research should help you determine which wig will best meet your needs!