White Bob Women's Wig
Want to become that sleek and cutting-edge fashion executive that you always see running magazine companies in the movies. You know the kind of lady we're talking about. She wears a short skirt and a long jacket ala the song from the band "Cake". Her fingernails might not shine like justice, her glamorous shade is more of a blend of "guts and glory". Yes, this woman doesn't do anything half way. And no, she doesn't wear Prada, that's below her. Her greyhound is often seen rocking a Prada turtleneck as her assistant walks it around the block though!Whether you're rocking these the silvery white locks to become a high power fashion editor or your thoughts are more along the lines of flapper and silver screen star, this wig is perfect for your needs. The bangs and subtle flip on this cropped cut are enough to gain anyone's respect. And hey, if you have to settle for stepping out in Prada, we're not going to judge. After all, that high powered lady's greyhound looks really awesome in that turtleneck!