Adult Black Bat Wings
Nothing says creature of the night like the wings of a bat. But even the most delicate humans would need a lot more lift to get off the ground than our furry flying pals, so we recommend springing for a convenient synthetic alternative like these 100% polyester Adult ‘Bat’ Wings.By no means should you think that we have crunched any numbers. But we hesitate to say that it’s impossible to train a colony of bats to carry you aloft at the snap of your fingers, because we know that some of you will take that as a challenge no matter what the calculations suggest! And since we happen to like the little critters outside of our borderline-obsession with spooky Halloween costumes, we don’t want a bunch of daredevils poking and prodding them in the name of personal transportation. Plus, the prop version is going to be a lot more fun when you factor in all the guano!