Adult Sock Hop Costume
What's black and white and red all over? Okay, you've heard that one. But what's black and white and way more fun to wear than a newspaper or a zebra with the chickenpox? This Adult Sock Hop Costume!In fact, it's even more fun to wear than most actual clothing, because few garments have the good old-fashioned appeal of a 1950s-style poodle skirt. Where did poodle skirts come from? Why did they ever go out of style? We're sure that we could find some perfectly reasonable answers to these questions, but we doubt they'd compare to the ineffable charm of a fancy pink dog on a classic black background.And we're also sure the truth would pale in comparison to the crazy ideas our imaginations have supplied. Like what if poodle skirts were brought to Earth by aliens who mistakenly thought that dogs were the dominant species on the planet, and that humans were only allowed to wear clothing approved by their canine masters? Plot twist: what if the aliens weren't really mistaken about which species is truly dominant? Think about it.Or don't, since this great-looking retro combo takes all the guesswork out of your attire. It's easy, inexpensive, and instantly recognizable. That makes it kind of a no-brainer! Now you can focus on the really tough decisions, like what flavor of malt you're going to order, and which song you should put on the jukebox!