Adult Supergirl Jumpsuit Costume
Are You From Krypton?Do you have super strength? Got some deadly laser vision? Do you find that you gain extreme bursts of energy from the Earth's yellow sun? Well, no worries. Neither do we! But you don't need to be a girl from Krypton with every superpower in the book to be a superhero. We think that all it takes to be heroic is the right attitude and the right kind of costume.Of course, cultivating the right attitude is easy if you've been watching Kara Zor-El on Supergirl. She's the perfect image of what a hero should act like! Courageous and never afraid to do the right thing, even when the right thing ends up pitting her against the universe's deadliest supervillains. And the costume? Well, we got that covered it's sort of our specialty!Product DetailsInspired by Kara Zor-El superhero outfit from the series, this Supergirl Jumpsuit Costume has the look you need to take on the likes of Lex Luthor. It comes with a blue polyester jumpsuit that has red and gold accents on the sleeves. It also has a shimmering gold belt around the waist and the classic red "S" shield on the chest. The red boot covers are designed to fit over most pairs of shoes, so you can wear your favorite pair of footwear with the outfit. It also comes with a red cape that attaches to the shoulders of the jumpsuit to finish off the outfit. Once you have it on, you won't even need superpowers to show off your superhero attitude!Hold the KryptoniteYou might not have all of the powers of Kara Zor-El, but with this outfit, you'll have the superhero style to take on any challenge! And at least you won't have a glaring weakness to kryptonite!