Antique Steampunk Watch Gears Ring
SteampunklandiaSteampunk is all about invention and imagination. Sure, you've got to stick to certain elements. You've got to have mysterious pouches and pockets to keep your mysterious devices in. There's a hip pouch for gunpowder and extra springs for your steam-powered smartphone. Then there are the pockets for all your magnifying glasses and all the keys to wind up your robots, clocks, and maybe even a time machine or two. Okay, let's move on from those mysterious pockets of your Steampunk ensemble, it's taking some self-control. Believe us. A good Steampunk ensemble also requires a jaunty hat and gear-oriented jewelry!Product DetailsWhen you're putting together that perfect Steampunk ensemble, it's all about the accessories. Stand out in any crowd with this cool brassy Antique Watch Gears Ring. This piece is intricately crafted with molded coils and cogs so you can be sure the details won't shake loose through your adventures. The brass and zinc alloy ring fits most in one size, too!Super SteampunkSo are you ready to shake things up with a head-turning ensemble? Top off any steampunk look with this brassy ring. Want to add more details to your ensemble? From canes to jewelry to lovely corsets, you'll have a great time scrolling through our Steampunk products.