Athena Costume for Women
Dabble in wisdom, craft, war, diplomacy, weaving, poetry, medicine, and commerce much? Yeah, we had an inkling that you did. Well, it's probably time to step things up a level. To not just practice your talents, but, well, to become a goddess. Yeah, you can do it. We know you have it in you!Of course, becoming a goddess like Athena is more than about just having divine skills. Cause girl, you gotta have the look to match! We can help you out with that just a little bit too. We've got this supremely cool women's Athena costume, and it's ready to transform you into one of the ancient Greek gods. (Even if you're still working on your supernatural powers!)Just slip on this dress costume, and you'll be ready to ascend to the top of Mt Olympus. It has everything you need to become goddess-like, and it's even got armor piece accessories so you can be ready to kick a little butt, too. We know it's all fun and games, but we think you should feel ready for action when going in costume like this!A sleek light blue chiffon dress has this costume ensemble looking ancient and pretty stylish too. Just complete the look with the latex molded chestpiece, gauntlets, leg guards, and crown, and you'll be ready to rule the ancient world. It'll be your choice whether to use wisdom or war when you become Athena, but please, whatever you do just remember to have some fun. Not everyone gets to try out becoming a Greek Goddess, after all!