Auntie Mask
Wouldn't it be amazing to have the ability to age yourself by a couple decades so you could go take advantage of all the senior discounts out there? It's a goldmine! You would get to spend less of your hard-earned money on coffee, buffets, and even on traveling expenses. Talk about a deal of a lifetime! Maybe that's why you literally have to live through a lifetime to get all of those perks. Makes sense, but who would want to wait that long before reaping all the benefits? No one, that's who. Now, try to contain yourself but we may have found a shortcut to bypass the whole aging process. Check out this Auntie Mask! You can look ancient in no time at all! You may want to think about raiding your grandma's closet. That will keep people from wondering why an elderly woman is wearing jeans with tears and fitted Tees with graphic designs that the young whipper-snappers are into nowadays. So, grab some hard candies, get your old-timer jargon down, and come up with some delightful stories about those fictional grandchildren that ya just love so much, then you're illusion will be complete and you'll be ready to recieve discount after discount!