Bad Bandit Women's Costume
MOST WANTEDIn these parts, we don't tolerate any sort of crime. If someone's at the tavern throwing back whiskey like it's water without paying for it, it's straight to jail with them. If they're robbing banks, then they'll be behind bars before you can say 'Wild Wild West.' There's one bank-robbing bandit on the loose right now and we've been trying to track her down for quite some time. She's thieved from so many banks that she's landed herself number one on this town's Most Wanted list and the sheriff won't stop until she's locked up for good. Have you seen her? For a criminal, she's always extremely well-dressed but it all makes sense: she has plenty of stolen money to buy fashionable clothes. The bandit is one bad apple so she's dressed in all black, of course. She wears a black and white Aztec-printed poncho, a wide brim hat and a menacing glare. She looks nice and stylish but let your guard down for one minute and without thinking twice, this she-bandit will snatch your satchel of gold coins then slyly ride into the sunset.PRODUCT DETAILSThe women's bad bandit costume will transform you into the Wild West's Most Wanted woman so be careful because someone could easily mistake you for her. It's a Made by Us design which means every piece of this costume is high-quality and expertly designed. A black button-up vest is connected to a white long-sleeve shirt, while an Aztec-print poncho offsets the look. This costume also comes with a black eyemask, a faux-leather gun holster, and a bandana to be worn around the neck. IT'S A STICK UPYou're going to need a gun prop and a pair of cowboy boots to properly impersonate this outlaw. Luckily, we sell both so you won't need to live a life of crime!