Beautiful Women's Buccaneer Costume
SASSY SASHESDo you know why the horizon at night gleams with a comforting red glow? (Okay, sure. Technically, that's because of the diffraction of sunlight and the fact that red waves of light can travel longer and avoid being scattered far off into the atmosphere, so when it finally arrives at our eyes, we see the light as a gleaming red. But, do you know why red has the longest wavelength!?) The reason, according to legend, comes down to the fierce qualities of the Queen of the Sashes. The story goes that a mighty pirate set to the sea to explore every last corner of the world. Each place she visited, she would demand that the inhabitants there offer her the gift of a sash. Those who complied were given treasures and praise, such that they raised up sashes of their own all over their home. Those who refused? Well... let's just stick with happy stories, for now! DESIGN & DETAILS Set sail to glory with this Beautiful Buccaneer costume. This fantastic look was designed by our own legendary design team after they returned from the very same far corners and learned of this sassy sailor. The Made By Us look features a ruffled top with a dark corset and an asymmetrical black skirt with a distressed look. But, how can you be the Queen of the Sashes without those!? Begin with a dark red bandana and follow that up with two sashes for your waist: one a printed pirate map and the other a matching red, woven fabric. HEADING TO FUNSail the seas, claim the cabin, and master the maps of mysterious places all over the world when you feel as powerful as you can in this unique pirate costume. Sashes-a-plenty and maps galore, you're going to have looks for leagues in this!