Blonde Viking Wig
The bow of your ship cuts a sharp cold line in the blue-gray sea. It's been almost a year since you've been home and you can almost see it now. The pine trees interrupt the horizon line and the current changes as you head for the bay. You and the crew are coming home with plenty of loot, there will a grand celebration in the mead hall tonight. Sometimes you miss the simple village life but there is nothing you'd rather do than raid with the rest of your crew. There's no better life than the life of a shield maiden. Why do we always picture Viking women with two tightly braided plaits? It's probably because they were too busy to come up with any other styles and keeping their hair out of the way was paramount. Those busy women were raising children by dangerous fjords, drying fish, spinning wool, and sometimes even participating in raids. We'd like to see the class bully try yanking the hair of a Viking girl, he would never want to see a pigtail again.