Bob's Burgers Linda Glasses
Bob is one lucky man! Linda Belcher is one saucy slice of woman who can sing a tune like no other! Not only is she a great vocalist, but she also took the title of Hoop Shoot Champion in the fourth grade. She also never gets drunk, she just has fun. She’s even super practical, like that time when she used Louise’s old science fair project as a wine bottle coozie. If only everyone could be just a little bit more like that feisty lady!Well, now anyone can be a little more like Linda from Bob’s Burgers! That’s right, these Linda Glasses come straight from the cartoon series, so you can look a little more like Linda in a matter of seconds. The glasses have bright red frames and sit nicely on your face. When you wear them, you might even be ready for a trip to Pickles (but we both know you’ll go to dinner theater instead).