Bossy Salem Sister Witch Costume for Women
Spellbinding Beauty Three hundred years buried in the ground won't deter this witchy sister from snatching souls. (Now that's perseverance!) One of Salem's most notorious enchantresses, this witch rose from the ashes, brushed off the dirt, and immediately began looking for children for one very evil reason: to steal their souls and gain eternal beauty. We guess you could say she's into dramatic transformations. (Sianora wrinkles and see-ya-later sagging skin, we may have just stumbled upon the fountain of youth! Hee-yaw!)Before you gasp in horror and automatically judge, there are plenty of unconventional and questionable beauty practices available promising everlasting youth. Is soul-sucking really more intrusive than syringes filled with plumping serum? Actually, what were we thinking? Of course, it is! Don't sweat it kiddos, you can all keep your souls. We'll opt for a beautiful, yet harmless, transformation by wearing a bossy Salem sister costume instead. Besides, we don't have wrinkles (yet) anyway.Product DetailsThe high collar, large belled sleeves, and corset-style bodice are vintage features on this dress, giving you the appearance of a 17th century Salem, Massachusetts spellcaster. The golden brocade detail glistens in the right light, accented by two ornate beads attached to the middle. Sparkling plum trim outlines the elbows, collar, and skirt. Fans of dark and bold colors will appreciate the royal blue, lush green, and dark plum fabric. Unlike most 17th century women's apparel, this garment is not difficult to put on and you'll be comfortable too. No Children, No ProblemYour spellbinding beauty doesn't rely on children's youth. Use makeup and accessories to give your final look a dash of authenticity and leave the potions and trick-or-treating kids alone. Add a curly red wig for an eccentric look and don't forget the red lipstick to draw a cupid's bow on your lips. Finally, team up with your equally eerie sisters for a little bit of black magic and some razzle-dazzle.