Criminal Kitty Sexy Women's Costume
Categorical SuccessLiving life on the lam is such a hassle. You have to use cash for everything, which is getting harder in hard in today 's digital world. Then there 's having to hide from any police around You don 't really notice how many officers there are until they are all out to bring you in for your crimes. The worst part, though, is that you are stuck wearing plain, unflattering clothes all the time instead of the chic and fab stuff you want to wear.Well, no longer! We here at Halloweencostumes.com have heard the plea of the cat burglars and have created this Sexy Criminal Kitty Women 's Costume to fill that gap in the market. Now, when you feel like you need to escape the clutches of law enforcement, you can just slip this costume on and feel powerful, sassy, and criminally-pretty as you flee the long arm of the law. It 's an all-around success, we 'd say!Nice Meow-fitIf the lawman is coming after you, don 't hesitate to get yourself one of these. This feline fatale costume consists of a one-piece faux leather bodysuit that zips snugly up the front. The attached mesh sleeves keep you cool as you run around avoiding capture. The multitude of straps give you that fugitive feel without actively making you look suspicious. You cat beat it!Claw-some StyleIf you are looking for a cat burglar costume that will make you say purr-fect , then look no further! This Sexy Criminal Kitty Women 's Costume has all the criminally good features that you will love, without all the pesky jail time involved with real thieving.