Dripping Rubies Headpiece
Have you ever thought while you are being carried by your attendants through the marketplace on your divan, "How can I be seen as more majestic"? Are you finding your collection of tiaras and diadems monotonous and clumsy? Perhaps it's time you considered wearing a circlet dripping in rubies and coins for your next outing. There are some events when a simple crown just won't do. The crown will suit a multitude of noble ladies. From ladies of the Renaissance, princesses of Rome, high-end belly dancers, and magical elves, this crown will be the accent piece that gives you the powerful air that your character craves. The cascade of rubies and coins fall past the hairline in a mystical and exotic style that frames your eyes. Never again will the princess of the next realm show you up at the Yuletide ball. Offset with any number of luscious gowns, you'll be the envy of your Kingdom.