Embossed Bat Adult Women's Cape
Eh, Batter BatterStepping up to the plate, you kick your cleats against the bat and settle deeply into your stance. The smell of sandy dust and warm grass fills your nostrils as you look toward the pitcher's mound and glare at Dracula. Giving one last stretch, you flick the hem of your lucky Women's Embossed Bat Adult Cape out of your way. This is it.The pitch comes in quicker than you would have expected! It's a fastball down the middle, measuring at 105 MPH. For a man who is over five hundred years old, Dracula throws like a man in his prime. Your cape seems to wrap around your arms as you swing back, giving you a warm hug as you swing back forward, squarely hitting the ball! It's a home run! You fly around the bases to the cheers of the crowd. Your lucky cape has done it again!Never Cape-itulateWinning baseball games is extremely simple when you have this cape, but so is looking fantastic! The embossed bats give any outfit that spooky touch, while also looking elegant and pretty. You will find that batting your eyes is extra effective when accompanied by small swings of your bat-like cloak!