Firefighter Poncho for Women
Fire AwayThe world would be a better place if we could all wear ponchos to our jobs. If our teachers, store clerks, military members, plumbers, and presidents could all wear ponchos, they 'd all be a lot happier. It 's not just the insane comfort of having a blanket draped over your shoulders all day, its also the knowledge that the rain can 't do anything to you anymore. Whatever may fall from the sky, you are safe under your warm, comfy cloth.The stress of having to pick your outfit each day can drive some people mad, and the time that you would save deciding which tie goes with which suit adds up to a surprisingly high number. Besides, think of the compliments you would get when you show up to a fire looking snazzy and cute, instead of all decked out in bulky protective gear. That impression alone is worth it!Sure-Fire SuccessWhile this firefighter garb is not rated for service in an actual fire, you will certainly feel the heat when you wrap it around your shoulders. It is cozy and warm, complete with the high-vis reflective fabric and official fire department patch that you expect to see on an official uniform. In addition, it sports the words fire dept on the back in block letters, so if anyone doubts that you are on the force, you can show them that to prove it.Fiery FreshWhen you wear this Women 's Firefighter Poncho, you are upholding the proud tradition of firefighters everywhere to look great. You will rock the high-vis in style and be sure to be comfortable and cool all night long!