Fox Ears and Tail Kit
Feelin' FoxyThe truth is, you already feel like a fox 90% of the time. Crafty, smart, quick, independent, and cute, of course! But on Halloween, you get to become the little critter you are, inside and out! For a gal like you, it won't take much to push you over the edge into full-fledged fox mode; this little 2 Piece Fox Kit ought to do it! It's quick and easy, yet it provides you that transformation you're looking for. So scurry from costume party to costume party without worrying about a thing—a fox like you has places to go and people to...sneak food from.Product DetailsThis little kit is everything a fox like you needs to really come into her own! It's a cute headband accessory that features faux ears sewn on top. The ears boast a fox's signature tawny brown hue and black ear tips. But the tail is really something! It's stuffed to look realistic and attaches to your brown sweats, bodysuit, or leggings with the included safety pin. What Does The Fox Say?You know how the song goes, but now that you—yes, you!—get to be the fox, you can make up your own lyrics. We bet you say something really clever. Or witty. Or something to distract us so you can steal our Halloween candy!