French Maid Accessory Kit
So you've got your new position in the big house? You'd better be sure to have all your bases covered. This isn't some run of the mill household where the maids wear boring black dresses. The boss wants the hired help to look as lavish as the decadent woodwork. What will the boss say if he finds you washing the stained glass windows without your frilly apron? You simply can't be found polishing the ivory cherubs on the mantle without your little cap. The life of a maid can be a thankless job, it's certainly not for everyone. Working hard isn't an excuse to look disheveled. You never know when a duke might be trotting up the stairs that you're polishing and wouldn't it be awful if you were wearing less than the required amount of lace? With your sweet ensemble and feather duster you'll be promoted to housekeeper in no time.