Goddess Blue Theatrical Wings
Sky's the LimitThe question is not: What can you do with these Blue Theatrical Wings? But rather, the question really is: What can't you do in them? Because from where we are sitting, these metallic blue wings look like they could take you just about anywhere! Er...anywhere wide enough for your impressive wingspan, that is. Because you're going to want to open these beauties as often as possible. They are practically magic. They could just as easily take you, say, center stage as they could take you to the moon. They could have you ready to perform tricks on your unicorn just as quickly as they could turn you into a full-fledged goddess worthy of worship. Pretty cool, huh? We thought so!Product DetailsThis pair of iridescent, aqua-blue, accordion-pleated wings can be worn easily as a cape, and will add watery, whimsical, celestial, mystical magic to your outfit. Get ready for constant "ooh"-ing and "ahh"-ing as you breeze by! Myth MakerIn this beautiful set of wings, you're bound to become a bit of a Halloween legend. It just goes to show you, not everything transformative is technological, and we have the wings to prove it!