Gothic Swan Masquerade Costume
We know the pressure of the stage can be a bit...much. But we have a three-pronged approach to help you land the principal role and maintain your sanity, all while looking like a total knockout. STEP ONE: Stop living with your mother. Really, girl. You’re a grown woman and stage moms are just the worst. This step really doesn't seem too complicated. Just do it. Go on Craigslist like the rest of the world and find yourself a roommate. To cut down on competition, maybe don’t live with another dancer. Ok? OK! STEP TWO: Get in touch with your dark side. Watch some scary flicks and read as many psychological thrillers as you can. Let your mind wander into its furthest corners. Use your journal to tap into your too-risque-for-the-matinee thoughts. The dark swan is the persona you need to work to embody, so it may also help you to start taking your coffee black, start eating a bunch of dark chocolate, and start waking in the middle of the night to become accustomed to the pitch darkness. STEP THREE: Wear this Gothic Swan Masquerade Costume at all times of the day! If you are ready to be the most intense ballerina the stage has ever seen, then you’ve got to look the part as well as feel it from within. This costume boasts a black velvet bodice with a padded satin bust, clear shoulder straps, and a tulle-covered satin inset. Of course, no ballerina is complete without her tutu, and this one has decorative feathers at the waist. You’ve got plenty of competition out there, but we aren’t worried. Just take our three-part plan and live it to its fullest, darkest potential. Pointe shoes, mask, and sanity not included.