Ice Cream Cone Costume for Women
Cool, Creamy, and CrucialPlease, if you will, transport yourself back to your childhood. It's right after dinner on a summer night. Your day has been filled with both chores and play. You're sweaty and you're tuckered out in the best way. You sit on the front porch with your friends, swatting mosquitos and contemplating playing one more game of tag before you all go in for the night. And then you hear a beautiful sound. That tinkling music has you salivating as soon as you catch the first note. It's the sound of the ice cream truck. You've got about two minutes to grab a bill from that stash of birthday money you've got hidden away. And you'd better hurry. Cause the only thing that'll make this summer night absolutely perfect is a deliciously dipped ice cream cone. Turns out, sweatings not so bad when you get cool treats in the end!Product Details & DesignThis colorful ice cream cone costume is so sweet that you just might want to wear it on any pretty summer's day! It's Made-By-Us so you can be sure the look is not only unique but it's durable too! The high-waisted cone skirt meets a white shirt with sprinkles on the slightly puffed sleeves and shoulders. Your whole ensemble is topped off with a cherry to make your costume even more refreshing!Screaming for SweetsSince we all scream for ice cream, this is a great cute option for Halloween fun. And it's great for so many other occasions as well! Slip into this cone for a summertime parade and you're sure to feel festive while you remain somewhat cool. Hey, maybe you'll even get a major discount when your local ice cream truck rolls by. We guess it's no surprise that ice cream is great for any occasion!