Long Straight Blue/Gray Wig for Women
Wicked ConditionHave you ever wondered how witches have such wonderful hair? It always seems to be long and silky even when they've been flying through a chilly autumn night on a broomstick. Okay, okay. Honestly, how they keep their hair perfect isn't much of a mystery. They keep it smooth with magic, of course! When they're bubbling up toil and trouble they're also bubbling up some seriously effective hair care products as well. They spend their nights capturing dew under the full moon and the first blossoms of spring so we imagine that all the bottled products in the world wouldn't hold a candle to their beauty concoctions. Unfortunately, you've really got to be part of a coven to get the inside scoop. Want to get the hair without devoting all your free time to the dark arts? This wig might just be the answer to all your problems. Product DetailsThis lovely wig drapes long past your shoulder and layer almost to your waist. The color is truly mysterious. A blend of blue and dark grey, it will shine perfectly in the moonlight. The hair parts in the middle, framing your face for a look that'll make you seem like a powerful, all-knowing enchantress. That's the look you're going for, right?