Medieval Warrior Costume for Women
Damsel of DistressSee the misty peak of dragon mountain, yonder? They say there's a maiden who's trapped by the wretched beast up there. She weeps day and night, waiting for a prince to save her. Yeah, no. Not this maiden you see here. She's not in distress, she causes distress. She'd like to watch you try to stick her in a high tower somewhere. It would give her a reason to exercise her sword hand.The Medieval times were not a good era for ladies and maidens alike. They were either expected to stay inside, sew, and keep quiet or they were getting kidnapped and trapped in one way or another. Snow White was choked by an apple. Sleeping Beauty was thrown into a coma. And when they were freed they were expected to commit to their rescuer for the rest of their lives. That doesn't sound great. Rewrite history and become the gallant heroine with this tough yet gorgeous armored gown!Product Details & DesignAre you ready to transform into a valiant and fashionable warrior? You'll love the exclusive look that our designers put together. This Made-By-Us costume has detailed, swirling elements as well as tough looking armor throughout the look. You'll love the metallic waist detail that matches the gauntlets, chest, and shoulder detail. The skirt is framed with swirling elements along the hem, complimenting the center stripe. It's My Party I can Battle-Cry If I Want ToOr you ready to prove that not all ladies are going to stay in waiting? Go ahead and slay that dragon yourself. That means you get to keep one hundred percent of the lizard's loot. That's a pretty good deal. And hey, if you run into one of the knights that are headed up to save yonder fair maiden, you can let him tag along on the way back down the mountain. After all, there might be a few dangers on the way back!