Pastease Beer Mug Costume Pasties
Stick with the ThemeLet's say that you'd like to dress as a lovely Austrian fraulein for your next Oktoberfest, Bavarian Blast, Fasching Festival, or just plain old awesome Halloween. Your hair is braided in long, fetching pigtails and you've got your dirndl ready to go, complete with lace-up bodice and embroidered skirt. But wait! That gorgeous traditional dress just isn't working out with your favorite bra. Don't panic - the solution is clear, AND it's on theme! Product DetailsIt's five o'clock somewhere whenever you're wearing these Beer Mug Pasties by Pastease! The beer peel-and-stick nipple covers are shaped like foaming beer steins. They are convenient accessories for nearly any outfit, as well as being extremely comfortable to wear. Removal is also a breeze, and if handled correctly, the pair can be reused. Cheers!Look at you! You're all dressed up and your outfit is seamlessly perfect. This calls for a toast! Whose turn is it to buy?