Princess Bride Buttercup Costume Wedding Dress
A RADIANT WISH COME TRUEFinding true love certainly isn't easy. It's not every day that the extremely loyal (and cute) farmhand working for your family, turns out to be the one meant for you. Most folks in the kingdom just aren't up to snuff. Why, for every handsome, charming, and caring Westley out there, a dozen Prince Humperdincks are out there, only managing to be a sneaky, conniving mongoose of a man.That's why, when someone finds their true love, it is nearly a requirement to wear something that will catch that true love's attention and get them ready to make your every wish come true! Wear something that's both pure and radiant, so you can marry your one and only! Of course, Buttercup picked the perfect dress for this occasion, which we've recreated with this exclusive costume from The Princess Bride! DESIGN & DETAILSWe know what you're thinking. We're fans of the movie too! That's why our in-house design team worked so hard to craft this love, Made By Us look. We know that Buttercup wore this azure blue dress during her wedding day with Prince Humperdinck, but she was really wearing it for her true love and we went to long lengths to get the look of this Buttercup wedding dress just right. The long-sleeve pullover dress is a soft blue color with a zipper along the seem for an easy fit. The bodice has cord lacing for a delightfully Medieval style. The costume also comes with a sparkling crown, befitting of a woman about to become the Princess of Florin (even if you're really just waiting for your farmhand).THE NEXT STEP OF THE PLANIt'll be up to you to figure out how to foil Prince Humperdinck's plans. (You can't expect Westley to do it all, right?) The good news is that with this licensed costume, you'll be all ready for your wedding when the Dread Pirate Roberts-Westley shows up to help you deal with the Evil Prince.