Renaissance Woman Blonde Wig
Art. Science. Philosophy. Fancy hair. All of these things flourished during the Renaissance, largely thanks to the efforts of well-rounded people like you. At least, that's our best guess. The history books like to talk about all the great geniuses who were contributing to the advancement of human knowledge and culture across many fields. But we skimmed over most of that to get to the pictures. And since most of the illustrations in the history books depict holy people or fantastic inventions, we're a bit fuzzy on the details of everyday life.In the end, we gathered that most Rennaissance people treated life kind of like a high-stakes board game. The goal was to prove their expertise in at least five fields without getting burnt at the stake or beheaded. The winners (like you!) got to wear the perfect coif of champions, with long, flowing tresses and a coil of braids on top. The losers, uh, didn't.