Replica Nun Costume
Get into the habitHave you ever wanted to star in your own Sister act? Doing an act on the Vegas strip. Or caught yourself singing in the Austrian hills with lots of little blond children? (Yes the hills are alive with music.) Have you ever wanted to get rid of some bad habits? (Yeah that was a terrible pun. Sorry.)Product DetailsIt is quite a process to put on a real nun habit. (And we don't just mean waking up at dawn to start your days.) Their outfit is quite elaborate. They use safety pins to hold the coif—a close-fitting white cap, to the wimple—a traditional piece to cover the neck, to the black veil. All of these things are pinned together to keep them from coming loose. And of course, the black tunic held secure by a belt.So, if you are in the habit of singing show tunes, or babysitting children in Austria, this Replica Nun Costume is the thing for you. You will be getting into habits you never thought you would. Like dressing in all black. Or waking up at dawn to go about your day. Try to forgive our nunsense. (Sorry, puns are a few of our favorite things.)