Rocky Horror Columbia Costume
Let’s do the time warp again! It’s just a jump to the right…What do you do when it is raining outside? Duh, you watch the best movie ever, the Rocky Horror Picture Show! You pop the popcorn, and grab your friends. Because it is going to be a blast.Are you the kind of person who knows all the call backs? Of course, you are, one of your favorite characters is of course, Frank! He’s not your absolute favorite, but wow does he have nice legs. No, “your favorite” goes to Columbia, the saucy red head who loves Eddie, Dr. Scott’s nephew. Great Scott! This year you are going to try out for her part in the play at the local theater. But you need to look the part when you go in.Well, with your attitude, and this Rocky Horror Columbia Costume you will get that part for sure. No one knows her lines better than you. Heck, no one knows any of the movie as well as you…except maybe us! When you walk in for the audition wearing this gold sequined coat with long tails, the director will ask you to sing the Time Warp as a matter of course, then offer you the role on the spot. Just don’t forget to get a Columbia Wig before you check out!