Roving Buccaneer Costume for Women
Safe Harbor SabotageYou look pretty sweet in ruffles and velvet. No one would assume that you've got a scheme to take the docked treasure in one of the most guarded harbors in Europe. You've been scrolling through maps and scheming with hardened rogues in the hull of your ship for months. You've come up with all sorts of ideas. Gideon Read wanted to simply take the city by fire and force but that had already been tried and stopped before. Ol' Captain Cannonbait tried to insert a spy into the ship's guard but the weasely kid disappeared within two hours. You knew your idea would work the whole time. You just had to let the big men get their ideas out first. The whole time, all you had to do was play the damsel in distress by rolling up in a rickety lifeboat. The soft-hearted Captain would hoist you up, offer you a wool blanket, and let you case the place before letting your companions on board. You might be a damsel but your not in distress!Product Details & DesignThis roving buccaneer costume is Made-By-Us, giving it a unique flair as well as a high-quality appeal that you'll be able to wear again and again. The skirt has ruching in the front and an asymmetrical hem. The waist is accented by a faux leather corset, setting off the light-weight ruffled blouse with cold-shoulder sleeves. The look is topped off with a black scarf and a jolly roger sash. Fierce FleetAre you looking to have a boat rocking good time? Use your Halloween costume again and host a pirate-themed party whether you're getting together with friends or family, our pirate catalog has selections for every size. Even a new-born rogue can join your crew! Or simply jump on board with this ensemble and see what random maties get drawn to your band of rebels. Your sails spell some serious trouble!