Sexy 2 Piece Red Gamer Babe Women's Costume
It 's A Me!Jumping once is for chumps, you think as you run and bound across the plains before you. You spot some toads hanging out and quickly double jump the other direction so that you can avoid those weirdos. Up ahead you see a series of stone walls with a star high above on the cliffside. It is almost too easy!You roll once, bouncing forward in a quick jump that leads directly into a second jump in midair! Hitting the wall, you immediately reverse your direction and jump back the other way, again bouncing off that wall. In this way, you jump up and up, eventually getting to the top of this section of wall and leaping off into the open air into the star. Grabbing it, you smirk as your hat spontaneously grows wings and flies your safely back to the ground. It sure is great to live in a video game world!Looking Just PeachyIf you want to rep the most famous video game character of all time, then this Sexy Three Piece Red Gamer Babe Women 's Costume is the one for you! The tight-fitting overall shorts and suspenders look great with the red and mustachioed crop top. The outfit is completed by the sweet cap with a cute heart. That 's an extra life, right?Maria and Luigina If you and your sister want to dress up as the that famous duo of plumbers, you will find no better costume than this one. Just watch out for pipes, mushrooms, and giant, evil lizards when you wear it!