Sexy Princess Leia Slave Costume
Well, if things had gone according to plan, Han would be free and Princess Leia would be on her merry way. Instead, Princess Leia was revealed, and now she's Jabba the Hutt's slave. So that sucks.On the plus side, Princess Leia isn't one to just lull about waiting for something to go her way. She's a do-er. Which is totally why she uses her slave chain to her advantage and tries to strangle that slimy piece of worm-ridden filth, Jabba the Hutt. Sure, she has to do it in rather skimpy dancing girl outfit, but she does it nonetheless. After all, sometimes daring escapes can't wait for practical clothes. Sometimes, you've just got to do what you got to do, gold bikini or no.In the mean time, we imagine that at least Princess Leia was rather cool and comfortable in the ridiculous get-up (she was on a hot dessert planet after all). And even if it was an outfit made for a dancing girl and not a Princess, we've got to admit, she made it look good. So if you're feeling like an empowered sassy princess (or maybe you're stuck in a dessert and need some lighter clothes) then maybe you want to try out our Sexy Princess Leia Slave Costume too. It's officially licensed, with bra top, a gold choker, vinyl hair ornaments, and the long maroon skirt (attached to a golden vinyl front piece and briefs). Just promise us one thing? Try talking people down before you resort to chain-choking. Trust us, it's for the best.