Sexy Women's Bugged Out Baddie Costume
It 's Bugging UsHave you ever gotten that odd feeling when you see someone you 've never met, but you feel like you know them from somewhere? That happens a lot here in the office at Halloweencostumes.com, since we usually wear our costumes and it can be very hard to match a voice to a face when you usually see it coming from a werewolf 's mouth!That is the kind of feeling that the Bogeyman is so very used to! He is half-recognized so much that he hardly comes out. Kids he hasn 't haunted in years and years will come up to him at the store, the bank, or the park and just grill him about how they know each other. It 's kind of sweet that they remember being scared for so long, but it does hurt his feelings when no one remembers him despite all the effort he puts into his look and mannerisms.Snake Eyes?!That is why the Bogeyman decided to get some professional help from us, the costume experts. This Sexy Bugged Out Baddie Women 's Costume was the perfect solution for his problem! The cute, spider-bedecked dress is a huge step up from the burlap sack he had, while still retaining that rustic-chic feel. The hat with the spooky face on it also just screams Bogeyman , so you will definitely not have to worry about not being recognized when you wear it!Scary Good OutfitIf you are looking for the perfect costume to terrorize skeletons and children alike, then this is for you! You will look frightfully good in this cute and creepy dress. Feel free to boogie all night, man!