Small Blood Tip Vampire Fangs
Vampires are one of the most tried-and-true inspirations for great costumes, which means that you've made a solid choice. But it also means that if you really want to wow the other partygoers or trick-or-treaters, you're going to have to step up your fang game!Because the waxy plastic fangs that you can get for a dime at any corner store are a lot of fun, but they're going to seem a little hokey next to your custom Transylvanian undead baron or countess' getup. We're guessing that your attention to detail is only going to be satisfied by natural-looking false teeth that add a dash of stylish spookiness to your deluxe outfit. See what you think of these! The believable extra-long canines are tipped with convincing red paint. Paste them in using the included mix to make it appear that your sharp costume and wicked good looks have turned you into a very successful bloodsucker.