Sparkling Fairy Witch Wand
Magic wands have so many uses. Need to summon a rabbit from a hat? Get your magic wand ready. Want to send a Kansan back to where she came from? That means itΓÇÖs wand time. Turning rodents and pumpkins into a classy means of transportation? Granting misunderstood kids any wishes their poor hearts might desire? Banishing unspeakable evils from the mortal plane? Just use a wand, itΓÇÖs so much easier that way!Whether youΓÇÖre a tricky stage magician, a fairy godmother, a good witch, or just want to otherwise harness otherworldly energy for fun and convenience, then youΓÇÖre going to need a proper wand. You donΓÇÖt expect magic to just shoot out of your fingertips, do you? That would be pretty unrealistic. You need a magic wand to do magic -- thatΓÇÖs why itΓÇÖs called a magic wand!