Styleable Fever Isabelle Blonde Wig
Your hair isn't behaving? You want it to curl, but it flattens itself. You want it long, but it gets all snarly so you keep it short. You like that color, but don't want it permanently. Yeah, we've been there. Hair can be a nuisance.Especially when you're looking for something specific for a costume. A vastly different length, a different color, a different style? That's difficult to make your hair do, especially when you don't want it to stay that way permanently.Which is why we love wigs. Oh, your character has short blue hair? Put on a wig, and viola! Short blue hair for the day. Or how about this one? This Styleable Fever Isabelle Blonde Wig has long lustrous curly locks and short bangs. It's about 26" long and is a soft blonde color. That's right, you can instantly grow blonde locks for a day! And then go back to yourself tomorrow! You know, if you want to.