Warrior Viking Costume for Women
Every once in a while do you just want to let go of it all and go berserk? For the most part, all of us keep our fierce side in check. We get up on time in the morning, drive to work, put in our eight or more hours, drive home, eat dinner, do the laundry, go to bed, and do it again in the morning. With all this structure what are we supposed to do with our wild side? After working hard day after day every girl deserves to go a little berserk, at least temporarily!Well, there's no better way to go berserk than channeling your Viking identity. The word itself was invented to describe a Norse warrior. There are no people that could let go of their civil restraints like those Northern warriors, in fact, those warriors that earned the title of berserker believed that they had transformed from human to beast when they were in the midst of a battle like well timed werewolves. Wouldn't that be a nice skill to have when you're getting tailgated by that guy in a Lexus in rush hour traffic? Running into battle while howling with their painted faces, horned helmets, and fur tunics we can't imagine what those uptight Brits must have felt as they watched the Norse storm their beaches.Whether you can picture yourself as a shield maiden or full on lady berserker, we're sure you've got plenty of wild energy to let loose. This faux fur tunic with faux leather belt would make that oppressive English king tremble on his throne. You'll storm the shores of that costume party and raid that trophy table, take them all with you. Sure, you're usually polite but not when you're this fierce Viking. All you need is your helmet and weapon of choice be it a sword or battle axe and no one will be able to stop you. So save your spreadsheet, turn off that computer, clock out, and go berserk!