Witch Nose Accessory
The Perfect ProstheticDouble, double, toil and trouble, a witch' s work is never done. Boy they weren' t kidding about double toil! We' ve been toiling over a hot cauldron all day making spells and casting curses. It' s a lot of work being a witch. And it' s not easy looking this good either! Not everyone can sport the pointy hat, stringy hair, and warts. In fact, some of the witches in our coven had some pretty attractive noses, so we came up with an idea, they could try the Witch Nose with Wart Accessory to help … improve their appearance. It totally worked! She looked hideous! She even got a vampire' s number!Product DetailsThis Witch Nose with Wart Accessory is made of latex, so it looks pretty convincing. That vampire had no idea it wasn' t Luna' s real nose, even in the bright light of a full moon! It does, of course, come with a magnificent wart, the kind only a black cat or toad would love. There are also two strips of adhesive tape on the inside that you can use to stick the nose to your own nose.Works Like a CharmThe Witch Nose with Wart Accessory will have all the witches in your coven jealous of your hideous appearance! You won' t want to let the witching hour roll around without yours!