Women's Birds of Prey Premium Harley Quinn Costume
You've Been Served Harlequins are meant to serve. That's what Harley Quinn herself states in the beginning of Birds of Prey. And honestly, without The Joker keeping her down, she's serving in more ways than ever before. She's serving up sparkling, witty, whimsical, and most of all explosive justice on the Gotham community. Because all those tough men sitting high up on their organized crime thrones have underestimated the ladies of the city for way too long and now it's time to turn the tables. And boy, does Harly know how to turn them with style!Product DetailsThis costume is perfect for spreading Harley brand chaos everywhere you go! The featured clear jacket with tinsel-fringe arms combined with caution tape is designed after the outfit that Harley is wearing when she's about to chow down on the best breakfast sandwich in the world. The look is completed with a pink sports bra, high-waisted cut-off shorts, and a pale pair of tights with Harley's inscriptions written across the thighs. Add pigtails and a mischievous streak and you're good to go!Birds of a FeatherThere are so many great lessons that Harley Quinn has taught us. She understands the importance of the perfect breakfast sandwich after a hard night out. She knows how to think on her feet when she's caught between a cop and a bad guy. And boy, does she know how to react after she's been newly emancipated from her significant other! If you're ready to step into the sparkly shoes of this legendary trouble maker, then you've found the perfect outfit. Now all you need to do is scare up a group of dames to help you take on the baddies... and drink fluorescent colored margaritas with you after all the trouble is over, of course!